We are thrilled to introduce new members of our team! Isis Carmona-Sepulveda has recently joined the group in our second cohort of graduate students..

Isis is originally from Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico, and joins us after completing a bachelors degree in chemistry at University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras in 2022. As an undergraduate student, Isis did research at UPR-RP with Dalice Pinero-Cruz. She also participated in REUs at the University of Pennsylvania (with Virgil Percec) and New York University (with Michael Ward and Bart Kahr).
She moved to Penn State after graduation to begin her PhD in chemistry, joining our group for a summer rotation and accepting an official position in the lab later in the fall.
Isis earned a prestigious Bunton-Waller Fellowship to support her graduate career, awarded by PSU's Eberly College of Science to incoming graduate students. She is also the recent recipient of a first-year graduate student award from the chemistry department. Isis is working on the hybrid materials discovery project.
Welcome, Isis! We can't wait to see what you accomplish here at Penn State!